OCD: Do I need to go to the doctor?
Hello, this kind of is a strange site to ask this but I thought maybe you guys could help me out. Warning, this may gross some users out.
I’ve had a lot of repetitive thoughts along with repetitive behavior. I’ve had extreme trichopaghia (basically, pulling hair and beyond.) in the past along with constantly peeling my lips, chewing the insides of my cheek and putting lipstick on my lips each time. Right now I have dermotophagia (biting around the skin of your nails) and it’s very bad right now too. I also have started pulling my hair out again and chewing on the insides of my cheek. I also am completely obsessed with biting my nails so my teeth look more straight at the moment, which hurts like hell for both my teeth and hands.
Repetitive behavior calms me, even though it can only make things worse too since I have to do it so I’m satisfied. It’s like a constant nagging.
I was wondering if you guys have any advice for me, I’ve tried talking to my parents but I didn’t knew how to express it.
hi! ive had trichotillomania as a result of ocd since i was 4 years old (i am now 20) and i was actually sent to therapy for it at 7 years old. i used to have 0 eyelashes but i have healed enough that my eyelashes are mostly intact, but i do still engage in the compulsion sometimes. the biggest things that have helped me is therapy and medication, ......
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12 12,2024