Would you still be able to love your s/o if they reincarnaited into someone?
i asked this question long ago but with some problems but now here its the same age as ur s/o but can be diff gender and diff face and everything but still legal and morally okay for u to date. its those reincarnation manhwas but ur pov is the MLs/FLs
Why wouldn't I? if its okay to date them then yeah! though i can't hide the fact i can't help but think they're a diff person and i feel like a cheater but that can be okay with just reassurances. reply
Idk, if I was dating someone like my beautiful buff queen Sevika, I’d cry if she was reincarnated into a twink. Don’t think I’d be able to get with her then :/ it’s different if she’s reincarnated into a skinny girl, she can just bulk up again, but I have to say no to a guy cause gender does matter. reply