Whoops, I realized that I made it a question not an experience. Mb. Anyways, here ya go.
It’s night, and Jayce wanted to check up on Viktor, so he decides to poke his head in to find Viktor still working at his desk just like he expected.
“Oh?” He asked, hearing the door open. “What are you still doing awake?”
Jayce walks up to victor, “I was checking up on you” he gets closer to viktor and looks down at his work. “you’re always working so late, I wanted to see if I could help you with anything?”
He let out a sigh as he paused his work, looking up at him. For the first time tonight, Jayce could really get a good look at him.
He’s exhausted. His hair is a mess from probably raking a hand through it, bags under his eyes, and a slight hunch to his shoulders from being hunched over the desk for hours on end.
“How would you help me?” He asks in a tired voice.
Jayce looks at Viktor’s tired eyes, “well for one, I could walk you to bed as you look like rest would be the best option for you right now” he says chuckling
He let out a scoff, giving him a half tired glare. “Walk me to bed?” He repeated. “…what am I, a child?”
He leaned back in his chair, letting out a soft huff. “We’re in the middle of a very important project. I do not have the luxury of time to spend on getting rest.”
Jayce sighs. “I know Viktor”, he says, “but it couldn’t hurt to get a little sleep now and then, would it?”
“That’s what I have the sweetmilk for.”
He pushed himself up with his cane, walking over to get more from his desk, but wobbled for a moment before stabilizing himself against the desk. When Jayce looked over at him, he could see the slight shake of his hand when he reached for the bottle.
Jayce sighs again, “I won’t stop you if this is really what you wanna do, but I just can’t help but be worried. All this staying up late and working is taking a toll on your health, and what’s the point if you get so sick that you can’t work anymore?”
“My health is not your concern.”
Viktor responded with a hard glare. He hated when Jayce got worried like this, always telling him to get more rest and to stop straining himself. It was always so aggravating.
“I’m not going to keel over and die just because I have to pull an all nighter or two to get something done. I’m not that fragile.”
Jayce looks at Viktor obviously concerned and a little sad. “I know Viktor, I never once thought of you as fragile, I just!-“ Jayce bites his lip and closes his eyes. He sighs again and walks up to Viktor.
“I just couldn't bear to see you in such a state. Working yourself to your grave… I know you said it’s not my business, but your health is my concern, I just… I’m sorry” Jayce visibly looks sad
He paused for a moment, caught off guard by the sudden sad tone to Jayce’s voice. He stood there silently, his expression softening just a little as he heard Jayce’s words.
It’s like every time, when Jayce talks like this, the words always manage to pull on his heart strings. He sighed and turned so they were facing each other.
“…You always worry too much.” He said in a much softer tone. “…I’m not going to croak anytime soon just because I’m not getting enough sleep, Jayce.”
“Yeah I’m sorry, I can’t help but overthink and be worried when it comes to you. You know how much you mean to me, I couldn’t be where I am today without you”
Jayce touches Viktors arm in a caring way. “I’ll stop worrying as much now, but is there anything I could do to help with the work right now?”
He rolled his eyes at the response, though his annoyance was not directed at Jayce. More at the effect the man’s words had on him.
“…You could help sort through these notes.” He said, pointing to a pile of research papers on his desk. “I need them catalogued by subject and topic.”
He paused for a moment. “…Also, you could go get me another bottle of sweetmilk while you’re at it.”
Jayce chuckled. “Of course Viktor.” Jayce and Viktor worked hard together throughout the night, and morning came not to long after.
To be continued…
This is Jayce and Viktor btw


Pt. 2
Let em cook