am i misandrist for defending the 'man v. bear' argument
okay obviously STUPID question but im just not sure if i have internalized misandry and i just cant think with nuance?
i asked a male friend of mine if he understood the man v. bear thing and he was just so offended by the argument. ofc i tried to explain that its not so much misandry and that women realistically do not have a lot of people (men) to trust in the world and he argues that it IS misandry and what the chances are of us actually being put with a creep/
ist. he kept saying that obviously with the bear that theres a bigger chance of us dying than being assaulted by a man, where i argued that some women just care about their safety and he said "so you guys will choose death as safety"
he was just defensive and of course i get that... people are naturally defensive when they, well, feel the need to defend themselves, duh. but he just called me misandrist and generally he was being aggressive and told me that he's just giving back the same energy (stupid answer for a stupid question) when i asked if he needed to be so rude about making a point, and i just cant help but think if i was being unfair? because i know the feeling of feeling wronged and that if a sexist begins arguing with me that is also how ill likely respond, so i dont know if i need to reflect. am i sexist, am i misandrist? i genuinely try not to be because theres enough hate in the world for and on both sides, i want to be fair towards both men and women since we are all in it together at the end of the day.
can someone who can think with nuance tell me if i have some issues i need to be aware of?
the slight misandry he experienced will never amount to the level of vitriolic misogyny women experience throughout and after their life. i'm making assumptions but he's either offended that men, as an entire gender, are being grouped as bad guys or your statement hit too close to home lol. you aren't misandrist or sexist for making statements that......
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30 11,2024