Call her up and tell her to take her meds cuz two cis women can’t have a child?? But I don’t think I’d wanna give her back the baby because who leaves their child on someone’s doorstep?? Like outside an orphanage maybe but does this apartment look like an orphanage to you? I’d probably call the police and try to get legal clearing to rais...... reply
I'd probably be confused/angry at the woman because it's not my kid as I'm a woman. Don't dump random kids on me out of nowhere. I'll call the police first.
In reality, it's best to call the police and have them deal with it.Mother will probably be charged with abandonment. But For all you know the baby wasn't even hers. Even if it was you'll need...... reply
If you wanna keep it do dna tests to confirm its yours. If you dont wanna keep it call the cops. You didn't consent to that child. Its not your responsibility. No one should irresponsibly birth or adopt kids. reply
Why 2 yrs ago, and now the child is a baby? It's 24-9=13, so, it's 13 months old child if it's conceived 2 yrs ago.
I'd take a child anyway. Somebody else gave the birth, but I got the child.
So, the child is mine. reply