I drew a pair of characters but don’t know what lore to give them

Pika Pika 2024-11-26 02:51:58 About question
I love drawing OC’s but have no idea how to create a plausible story or personality for anything that I create. I want to create a comic so bad but I’m the type of artist who usually only draws fan art ( ̄へ ̄)
If anyone has ideas for literally ANYTHING about these two (names, ages, time setting, personalities, relationship to eachother or some shit) lmk


Gurl November 26, 2024 4:35 am

Soo good!!

deez November 26, 2024 4:34 am

Ooo I love making stories! More than that I like making character lore!! if you’d like to have someone to chat about these things my dms are open :D

轻轻落下来的叶子 November 26, 2024 4:22 am

left is called A and right is called B because I don't do name sorry-

A and B live in a future world where homophobia is so rampant that you can get killed for it. which sadly is not so far from the truth sometimes-. The future world has functionally enabled full monitoring, however A and B live in a town where it's not totally fulfilled so they can still meet up and kiss and stuff idk whatever horny 16 gay boys do in an empty school room at the end of the day. However they get caught by C who uses this to torment them knowing that if they got outed they would be killed for being considered as defective human beings. However, C escalates this towards straight up harrassment and bullying and B ends up being targeted to be beat up. So then A manages to corner C where they try to get them to stop but it was sort of an accident where A pushed C down and C hit their head on the side of the desk, and knocked themselves out, which meant that the matter would 100% be investigated and they would 100% be outed. So B decided to live bury C in the school yard at night after dragging the body away to an abandoned shed even though A sort of protested sort of went along. They keep this secret between them for years and for some time decided to lose contact with each other so as to not be conspicuous. Fast-forward to now where they are like idk 26 (??) and haven't spoken to each other for over ummm let's say 10 years (from the incident). They meet accidentally when they end up moving next doors to each other and they are both able to functionally pretend nothing is wrong.

However at some point the body accidentally gets dug up by some of the student's at the school after a bunch of delinquents brought around a dog that sniffed out something wrong somehow (?). So the case gets brought up and blows up because this is the future and stuff like this just doesn't really happen all that often. Everyone is talking about it and almost everything is found out except who has done it. The case however blows over and eventually ends up just as a shameful cold case. This emboldens B who convinces A to move in with him. However, one of the detectives on the case, D, is really embarrassed by this and wants to find the person who did it. So he manages to track everything down to the day but he just doesn't have the records of who so he starts stopping his use of technology and just starts asking the people around. That eventually leads him to A and B who are living together. A manages to get D off their backs, but D find their lifestyle habits oddly couple like... cause they are. D decides to investigate further and rents out the room next to them, which also happened to be A's old room. This stops their sex (lmao not important at all) and they also end up being sort of cornered around. However D isn't really a bad person, he's just a detective and B notices this. D however, is also a good detective and using some timing and positioning, he narrows the list of suspects down to a few people which include A but not B.

So B decides to take a risk when he sees D treating A a little more suspiciously. He and A plan on getting 'caught' but since D is actually pretty nice, they suspect he'll let them go. Things go to plan and B tells D that they want the culprit to be found and they hope that this serves as like idk what it's called but proof that they trust him to make the best judgement. D is a little suspicious cause this gives A and B a really big reason to be the killers, but the thing is, D's evidence almost 100% guarantees that B wasn't there (idk what ngl I'm just writing this off the top of my head), and based on what he knows of criminals, B should have been the one to have done it, not A (which is true). So he lets it go for a while. Things continue and eventually D grows weary of the case, another 5 years passed and D tells A and B that while he's glad to have met them, he thinks he'll withdraw because it's not healthy to do so.

He withdraws and A and B finally can take a breath. However, when D packs his things up, he sudden realises something about his evidence that proves that B had to be there with A. He was originally suspecting someone else uhh E, but now he's sure that it was A and B that was there. He decides to immediately confront A and B about this, but when he goes to confront them, he realises that A and B are 100% ready to end him if he shows any sign of knowing anything, so he backs off and leaves. However A notices that he noticed and signs to B and they kidnap D.

They pack their stuff up and stuff D into the trunk and drive away from the area. However D still has friends and stuff so they DO look for him. A and B drive D away and are about to shoot him and dump him into a river, but D manages to escape with A shooting at him. D manages to escape and get out of whatever is binding him and he ends up one on one with B. B tries to stop him but when D sees A behind trying to shoot him, he uses B as a meatshield and it's B who gets shot instead. A freaks out drops the gun and D manages to get it and aims it at A. B is still technically alive, but he won't be if they don't hurry. A basically gives him some sort of psychological run down stating that they are both dead anyway regardless of whether or not he shoots them and D lets them go.

Later on the news, D hears that B had been found in a stream, dead. Later when he goes back home, A is in his new home and asks him to shoot him.

There now draw it.

(also your art is really good (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ)

Cruchy_rollers November 26, 2024 4:29 am

Wow doomed yaoi how amazing. Btw this was a really good read thanks.

Peepaw November 26, 2024 4:29 am

Pookie u ate with this

Fancy Idiot November 26, 2024 4:22 am

They're cousins raised as brothers, and they both want to become great knights in a sorta-medieval setting. They admire but also envy each other, because although they are family, left is favored due to being the bio child of parents (right's parents died from a plague) while right has more natural gifts. Left doesn't realize this favoritism, so he grows up cheerful and sort of Naive. Right is neglected, so he's more solemn. When the guard of the knights arrive for new recruits for the kings army, they both sign up, left for his dreams and right to prove himself to everyone. Right is recruited, so left is jealous and secretly sneaks in, having taken some other guy's place. They have to work together to be great knights and left not to get caught, and find that being a knight is more brutal than either of them thought, testing both their character and relationship with each other and fellow knights

pigglypoof November 26, 2024 4:19 am

You did such a good job! They look so good!

picklesbois November 26, 2024 4:08 am

bestest friemds in the whole wide world

Wanda November 26, 2024 4:04 am

Make them brothers. Left one is cheerful and extroverted and likes to bother the Right one. Right one has a quiet and introverted personality and is often annoyed by the Left one, but the Right one is secretly very protective and loves when the Left one bothers him

Peepaw November 26, 2024 4:03 am

They live in this giant swamp that's filled with a whole bunch of alien looking plants and animals and they like hunt n gather that shit to sell at the local market and they're like filthy rich cuz of it cuz the stuff they sell is so rare and hard to get so they could move and live somewhere super nice n fancy but they like their nasty little swamp hunt

simperforhotdogs November 26, 2024 4:04 am

Wait this is so creative

silent_wisp November 26, 2024 4:10 am

Yesss make them Shrek they love their swamp

Woop Woop November 26, 2024 4:02 am

Your art's so pretty!!!
They kinda remind me of battle shounen characters. Right's the enthusiastic hero type in some Kaiju No. 8 esque setting, and left got roped into it because they're childhood friends.

basement dweller November 26, 2024 4:01 am

i'd go with a classic "forced to be partners". maybe they're experts in two different fields and together they make the perfect team but their personalities clash all the fucking time. maybe left dude is a genius at strategizing while right dude is a killing machine idk

Grogg November 26, 2024 3:59 am

It looks soo good!! (≧∀≦)


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