I've been feeding a stray cat for a week
I've been feeding a stray cat for a week it sits in my garage daily waiting for me and when she sees me she purss and rubs her body all around me she's over affectionate
Problem is that, this is the first time I've been this close to a cat, today she was being affectionate as usual and purring and she was trying to sit on my lap so for the first time i held her ,made her sit she sat comfortably for 15 sec then left and again she tried to climb on my lap i held her to sit and she jumped out and i know I'm an idiot, but she did it again she was trying to come on my lap so i guess i touched something i shouldn't and held her again and then she bit me lightly, it looks like small scratch it just penetrated my one layer so it's just like line of blood nothing much? It doesn't look like blood as well just a scratch
I kept my wound in water and soap for 5 minutes then applied disinfectant now what should i do a part of me is scared
I dont think its gonna get infected but if you wanna be safe buy antibiotics
19 11,2024