Yall help me
I seriously love my mom but bro it's too much, she's been giving away clothes, money and other stuff to people in need, I get it like you have every right but not when your bank account is in the negatives, you're struggling to pay bills, your car still needs to be fixed because half the doors are stuck but still wanna give 20-50 DT which I think is like 10-20 dollar bills to strangers, once? I get it, twice? The max, but every week she gives away money to atleast 3 strangers and then ends up not having enough to buy groceries, I've literally been giving her my allowance and money ive been saving up from dad without telling her, wanting to support her a bit but she keeps spending it or giving it away, not to even mention that we've gotten in multiple fights cz I wake up to find her packing some of my clothes to give away, like?? She's been giving me money for me to hide for her lately so when she needs it i can give her some, my family is angry at me for not giving her money when she asks for some to give to the random people coming to our house everyday, waiting for clothes and money that she promised, I'm so scared that I'll wake up and find half my clothes gone??? What do I do no matter how much I try to knock some sense into her, she just nods and ignores me
i think is a symptom of a greater underlying illness, I know you're in a bad place rn in terms of money but if you're able to talk to a psychiatrist then please do. Because this is not your normal "giving to your community and helping the poor", how old is she?? Sometimes this type to altruistic behaviour is linked to Alzheimer's too. Seriously tak......
17 11,2024
what does she seek in return? is it intrinsic or extrinsic? idek what to call this sickness. never met a chronic giver before. she sounds like she needs serious help, get her to therapy asap. in the meantime stop enabling her by giving her your allowance
17 11,2024
She might be addicted to the feeling of making other people happy, she might like how it feels knowing that she directly impacted someone in a positive way and can’t stop. You should take away her access to money and guard your clothes like your life is on the line and don’t let her near it otherwise it’ll keep happening
17 11,2024
Your moms is just like my grandma and moms way too kind to the strangers can’t see them suffer.
I suggest you to deeply communicate with your mother like why she need to help them? why SHE is the one who need to help them? is it bcs they lost their clothes?winters coming? Home? job? In debts? on run from idk someone violence? Old friend?
Tell y......
1 reply
17 11,2024