How do you break up with your boyfriend?
Well, the title of the question speaks for itself, but really all I wanted was some suggestions on how exactly to bring the topic of breaking up with my boyfriend. Should I ask him outside, tell him we need to talk and all that, or do something else?
Even though I am 21+, this is my first break-up, and he was my first boyfriend, so any help is appreciated. ┗( T﹏T )┛
Just to clarify, the break-up is due to me having stopped seing him in romantic light since some time ago. We have been going out for almost 2 years...
Go to somewhere private between the 2 of you and dont drop the bomb out of nowhere like when u finally somewhere alone 2 of you? Say "We need to talk about something" and then your reasons on why you think this isnt working out and then say the bomb. Yeah its literally "Its not you its me" move there lol theres no other ways than to just be straigh......
4 hours