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eat the rich!!   reply
22 05,2020
There's definitely a difference between being rich and hoarding wealth. Billionaires (and I mean capitalism as a whole ) are fairly unethical. Someone like Jeff bezos should undeniably be donating a large chunk of his wealth. You do not ' earn ' that mass amount of capital unless you take advantage of people and workers. So my answer is it depends.......   1 reply
22 05,2020
I know it's his money, but it's a shame how he cannot emphatize with what's going on in this pandemic. Corporations have a social responsibility to help a little, they are in a way obliged to give. As for an individual, it's a person's moral responsibility.   reply
22 05,2020
Its human nature to be greedy and selfish and alot of people lack humanity and compassion for those lower than them. It honestly just says alot about what type of person they are. BUT it is absolutely their money and choice on whether or not to donate.   reply
22 05,2020
I think people can’t differentiate rich people from people with fortunes. My parents are lawyers and they are more than okay financially speaking because they work, because they studied, it wasn’t given to them, their families weren’t rich and all. If you are “disgustingly” rich, with a fortune, yh I do believe you should donate once in a......   reply
21 05,2020
Well, here's how I see it. 1.) If I won a lot of money I would be using it for my family first. 2.) I don't like that people think that because someone is extremely well off that they owe the world something. They worked for that money. 3.) It is their money. I mean isn't the same thing as you buying a nicer house or a boat or paying for a vacati......   reply
21 05,2020
Its their money. Life is a based on chance/luck and is slightly influenced by decisions. Deal with it my dudes.   3 reply
22 05,2020
You know, I always thought that if I have a lot of money I would make change ( for example, a cause, donation, etc) because I think people who have money hold a lot power in social issues and maybe them donating is the beginning of taking action in a problem. But in another case, there're some rich people who donate just do it ( they don't do it w......   reply
22 05,2020

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