Probably just me but…

Cruchy_rollers Cruchy_rollers 2024-11-08 02:18:39 About question
Does anybody else rage when somebody says an extremely basic copy and paste manhwa is the best thing they’ve read or that it’s super good. I swear I just wanna cuss them out and hate on them but I don’t cause I’m not that type of person. But seriously, how do some people have such bad taste I don’t get it.

It’s also super annoying when you ask for recs and some random replies with basic popular story’s with trash plot, or recommend you stuff you SPECIFICALLY said you didn’t want, like learn to fucking read


TheSuperBunny November 8, 2024 10:47 am

I fucking hate it when I ask for recs and specifically write "something unknown" and people give me the most popular basic shit

November 8, 2024 6:53 am

this is why I don't ask for recs anymore. jst go explore on your own instead of hating.

yumi November 8, 2024 4:47 am

Low-key you're weird for that like these stories you're talking about are cookie cutter and basic because it works. Cliches work. These stories are popular for a reason and if you didn't want that as a recommendation then maybe say that getting mad because someone's favorite manhwa isn't some super indie story with two ratings on it is so weird to me. And why are you so concerned about what other people are reading? If you get recommended something you think is cheeks then don't read it??? Anything can be good when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you how bad it is

That last thing is real tho, people truly don't have reading comprehension skills

Cruchy_rollers November 8, 2024 1:23 pm

Sorry to say, but the only reason jinx is popular is because peoples brains have melted with all the shit that keeps being produced, and they keep getting dumbed down more and more from reading all the copy and past rape plots, and now they can only read stories with good art but shit plot. Not every story is good, in fact, most of them are trash

MangaSanctuary November 9, 2024 7:55 pm

I remember some times not so far where bl like Idamari ga kikoeru or Crimson Spell were procuded and liked... They were popular, are not "indie" and have good ratings, thought it seems it's impossible to find such works (original concept, plotlines) nowadays because bl authors may think us readers only like pornwas with similar plots/tropes and stiff art. They may keep producing craps because they think we like them and don't know better. If you like mediocrity, not everyone does.

I'm tired of the stiff art, the copy paste plots, the d*ck throughout the chapters, the third leg d*ck, the overused of assets, the rich chaebol x poor undebted, the overly big seme x overly feminine uke (aka "historical"), the d*ck riding in first page/first chapters as if all I care was porn -_-
I've looked at most yaoi manhwas because I wanted to give equal chance, only to see that 90% are pornwas with thin plot and absent romance

yumi November 9, 2024 8:29 pm

Okay but that's not what I said I said getting mad over it is weird talking specifically about getting mad when someone says it's their favorite. All of what you said Is right and I agree with you but that's not at all relevant to what I said or the point I was trying to make. The point is that getting mad at someone for liking something that's popular is weird. It's like saying someone isn't actually a fan of a band cuz they only know the popular songs. And to your point, yes that's what was popular at the time and many people liked it. That's why it was many people's favorite because it works. Now stories with bad plots and lots of porn is what's popular so ofc it's gonna be many people's favorite. Raging over that is a waste of time. If you're tired of all that then read things that don't have that, they still exist you just have to look. Overall just let people do what they gonna do getting mad and "raging" is just gonna make you miserable. Read what you like and ignore it when you get recommended shit you think is ass

yumi November 9, 2024 8:45 pm
Sorry to say, but the only reason jinx is popular is because peoples brains have melted with all the shit that keeps being produced, and they keep getting dumbed down more and more from reading all the copy and... Cruchy_rollers

That's what I meant you're not weird for not liking these stories and criticizing these stories. I'm not saying you're wrong for that. I'm saying that the most popular genre and tropes right now are things like these. So it's weird that you're mad at PEOPLE FOR LIKING IT. Being concerned with what other people like or are reading is odd behavior to me. At the end of the day it is not and will never be that deep. And when I said "anything can be good when you don't got a bitch in you ear telling you how bad it is" I meant that in the most literal way possible. You're gonna like what you like until someone tells you it's bad and then you start looking at it differently -whether for better or worse. At the end of the day just read what you wanna read and stop paying attention to what everyone else likes

Cruchy_rollers November 9, 2024 8:49 pm
That's what I meant you're not weird for not liking these stories and criticizing these stories. I'm not saying you're wrong for that. I'm saying that the most popular genre and tropes right now are things like... yumi

Gang I like what I like and what I like is good and what I don’t like is shit, it’s simple as that. I’m not weird for thinking people are weird for liking rape or little children. That’s just how it is

yumi November 10, 2024 7:36 am
Gang I like what I like and what I like is good and what I don’t like is shit, it’s simple as that. I’m not weird for thinking people are weird for liking rape or little children. That’s just how it is Cruchy_rollers

Dawg HUH did you lose the plot somewhere cuz who in the hell was talking about that OBVIOUSLY you're not weird for that. We were talking about bad plots and bad tropes where was that ever even mentioned

Cruchy_rollers November 10, 2024 2:29 pm
Dawg HUH did you lose the plot somewhere cuz who in the hell was talking about that OBVIOUSLY you're not weird for that. We were talking about bad plots and bad tropes where was that ever even mentioned yumi

I’m confused but ok

《Apple^^》 November 8, 2024 4:42 am

yeah then people will call you out for being rude and a hater

《Apple^^》 November 8, 2024 5:16 am

they only like it because of the pretty art style then a year later or so on everyone will now hate it. sometimes it's ok to be a hater cause you need to slap them with a reality check. they're some works that i see as cliché with overlapping tropes but still have that fresh bake of twists in them and those works are now rare cause people choose to just copy and paste and make problematics works more popular

Satan'sSideBitch November 8, 2024 3:57 am

I been saying these ratings can’t be trusted

Wanda November 8, 2024 3:49 am

I fear this might be me



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