Obviously this whole ass site is a pirating site but i'm curious on what your opinion on the morality of piracy is.
Many shows due to streaming are impossible to watch due to the fact they were removed from their streaming sites and the only way to see them is through piracy so i have mostly positive feelings towards it, not only that but i'm not really okay with paying for something that i actually don't really own, i like watching a show or read a manga/book for free online and if i enjoy it i buy the physical form. I like paying for stuff i know i own, paying subscriptions seems really fucking dumb in my opinion.
Not to mention the reason stuff like anime and manga are so popular in the west is because of piracy and fans going out of their way to translate anime/manga that otherwise western audiences would have never heard of
I love it, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am without these piracy cites️
Theavin’, stealing, taking what’s not yours
I’m-I’m-I’m-I’m-I’m not a-, not a crook-crook reply