Just realized someone blocked me for the first time
I’m entering my joker arc I can literally feel myself animorphing into a blackpilled redditor incel, I now understand why people cyberbully children
because WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?? They called me a PEDOPHILE out of nowhere and then when I asked them why they nEVER RESPONDED. And then they said somethin else that I didn’t understand and I realized that they blocked me
I had already forgiven you like months ago BUT I TAKE IT BACK FUCK YOU. You know who you are. I’m not gonna name drop you bc I feel like you’d just say something else incoherent (and I don’t want to be unnecessarily vile), but yk who you are
Just don’t go around calling random people serious shit when they say something in no way related to the accusation you’re making, and then run away when they try to confront you back!!! I’m gonna have a brain aneurysm!
I mean obviously you’re not gonna unblock me now after this rant, but that’s pretty fair u go qween live your best life lol
Also I have no clue how blocking works will they even see this?
Ok I’m done ranting now I feel better
u go girl, talk ur shit twin!
02 11,2024