What if till isn't dead like..if you think about it the blood didn't shoot through the other side of his neck(I'm assuming his neck was shot) causing eighter him to be grazed and lose a great amount of blood able to make him pass out yk? Or the bullet is stuck in his throat but it didn't penetrate his throat or anything also possibly stopping the bleeding and till just passes out due to pain+exhaustion or losing a great amount of blood and the fact his body didn't fully go limp because if he actually died his body whoudnt be high up and standing rn if you think about it if he really died because of his throat being shot then he whouldve started coughing or grasping for air but he isn't if you think about the fact he isn't quite educated so he probably wouldn't know that you'd lose air and panic if he actually did and he also might be faking his own death you never know, also it's shown that after he finally confirms that mizi is really there(the tear drops falling on his face making him confirm mizi is alive) then he was relieved and finally passed out due to pain or exhaustion?
yall said this back then with sua and ivan too and boom they're still dead
1 reply
31 10,2024