Today my glorious king till has died I am truly grieving there is no hope for me anymore me and the rope stared at eachother today I have tried deluding myself with the thought of hyuna running to the stage and punching luka and then ran away with luka and till and then Ivan and sua came back to life and ivantill and mizisua got married and everyone said in unison it really was our alien stage but I can nor anymore October 25th and April 4th was truly the worse thing to have ever happened to me you will not be seeing me leaving my home today because I will be planning my suicide hashtag speaking from the heart and alcohol ig...

also my gorgeous beautiful queen hyuna can we look at her for a second?? Thx

and can we also see how FUCKJNG CUTE MIZI IS HOLY SHES SO CUTE

The last bit of everything died that day, I’ve fought with the knife near my wrist after that round. The tragedy that struck me in round six has come back to haunt me every waking moment and yet I somehow convinced myself that my glorious king Ivan will come back. But before I could fully stand on my own to feet and raise my head to the sky I was struck yet again with my head kissing the ground during round 7 I have nothing left and now I have to bear with this nothingness for the rest of my life ( until till, mizi, Ivan, Sua and gojo come back) my life of hollowness will continue until I yet can lift my head again.
REAL MY GLORIOUS WOFE HYUNA IS SO STUNNING. Only good emotion I get while watching alnst. Can Luka's manipulative, obsessive bitchass die next? I'm alreading bc of the 'special guest' announcement, I already know somethings gonna happen to Hyunbae and I'm already tweaking bc of Till.
I js wanna drop it here, but I rlly didn't expect (or want to think) that Till will die, esp bcz Ivan sacrificed himself(but oh damn, vivinos likes to play with us), and also had this delusion that hyuna and mizi will save them, but well shit I am wrong (also is it rlly final round? Like alien stage no more? I don't think I can let go of alien stage just yet)
i thought it was an anime so i never actually watch it but then my friend today told me it only was an mv. i watched it. i cried. STOP MY BABY WDYM HE DIEEEDDD
stop pls, i'm crying. i don't have the energy for this anymore, i really wish i could delete round 6 and 7 from my memory forever
if im going thru it every1 else has to
I don't hate luka but..i'm feeling a little bitter rn cuz my GLORIOUS and AMAZING wife till lost..
looooolll ALNST even here? Btw, I get you
every1 in my tl needs to know...
I didn't dislike Luka but God i hate him so much rn. LIKE WHY WAS HE LAUGHING WHEN TILL WAS LITERALLY DYING BRO IM NOT OK
What is happening where is this from
It's from Alien stage on yt!