Anyone's life getting shittier by day?
Mine is. Well, nothing seems to go as planned and my current project group members are so full of shit. The shittiest man I do everything but I still get called shit cuz the teacher now knows tat these mfs just slacking while I do the working. Anyways. One positive thing that has happened recently, is that I got back in touch with a close friend of mine. its not that positive cuz we both are busy and she is lives in another city but one less thing to be depressed about. And one more miniscule change in my shit shitty shittiest life is that I notice me finally, like actually, not letting others walk all over me and not caring if I come across as rude. Finally stopped myself from automatically trynna come up with a 100 paragraph explanation so as to not hurt other people's feelings. Thats it.
Give me one shitty thing thats happened in your life to make me feel better and not lonely
(=・ω・=) and one positive thing for us to celebrate our existence
Wanna go to a BTS concert
Went to other western artists' concerts such as Bruno Mars and Adele (my parents said their house their rules. No BTS and going to concerts without them)
1 reply
25 10,2024