Weird Professor
I have this one particular Professor. She’s what you might call uhm “unique”. One day she had to do some counseling with her TA (for the context, she’s a therapist). Iirc her client had something to do with porn. During the counseling her TA couldn’t hold his poker face. My professor said that he wasn’t familiar with sex-related things (another context, I live in a somewhat conservative country) hence he was so flustered. Fyi a therapist or psychologist has to keep their poker face as they should maintain a neutral reaction in front of their clients, no matter how crazy the case is. So to deal with this problem, my professor had her TA watch porn accompanied by her other TA (a guy too I assume). I mean- just by using common sense, it’s so fucking weird to ask someone to watch porn. It’s unethical and she’s a PROFESSOR and a PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST ffs. If it’s a yaoi, some shits would happen between the TAs lol. What my professor did could be a dumb plot for a yaoi