Pls help
I don’t know who the fuck tell this bc it 3 am rn and I desperately need help sorting things out.
I just fought with my mom (a nearly physical fight) and I’m seriously considering asking my father to take my full custody. It doesn’t happen
frequently but when it happens it’s bad bad, like telling me she wants to k!ll me and using a lot of swearing and saying blasphemous things or directly jumping me.
I was very lucky today because my step dad tackled my mom stopping her, but if he hadn’t been in the house things would’ve gone pretty bad.
I’m taller than my mom and she’s quite petite so the beating wouldn’t leave marks, but every time is nearly traumatic.
Last time it was 11 p.m and after sl@pping me repeatedly, she stormed out of the house leaving me by myself for 20/30 minutes. I wasn’t little when this happened but it was before the pandemic.
Sincerely I don’t even remember what I did to make her angry, I just know that she wasn’t understanding where I put the chips that I brought from the bar (context: we ate out with friends in a place with a bar and I bought a mini pack of chips and I didn’t finished them. After 1 am we were still there and I repeatedly asked my mom to go home but she just told me to fuck off. At like 2:30 we go home and the ONLY thing I want to do is go to bed but my mom didn’t understand if I brought the chips inside so she started screaming and freaking out asking me where did I put them. I just told her “the place where we usually put the chips” and the next thing near it but she started freaking out more because she thought I was talking about a place in the car. I was on the second floor and after 3 times I repeated myself she came up the stairs saying “I’m going to k¡ll you I swear to god” and I did everything I could to just block the door with my weight. After a while she came in but she didn’t really hit me because my step dad tackled her onto my bed)
I asked my dad if he could pick me up tomorrow but I don’t think I’m gonna sleep tonight. Please tell me if moms get angry like that or I should be concerned, any suggestions is welcome. Thank you for reading this ( ̄∇ ̄")
You should definitely be concerned, moms don’t get angry like that. If you feel safer with ur dad, then ask him to take full custody. Also maybe ask him to pick u up asap.Thankful ur alright tho !!
20 10,2024
Try recording the fight with ya mom if possible so if you do want to get into the legal proceedings of ya father getting full custody. He could get granted that. Also try to record verbal attacks, messages, or even items that they might have destroyed.
As someone who had parents go through a nasty divorce, it’s Better to cut all ties and to stay......
20 10,2024
OOH baby child you should be concerned. It is reasonable for a parent to get angry (they’re still human after all) but if they decide to punish their child it’s supposed to be controlled. For example, my mom wouldn’t spank us straight away, she’d leave me in my room for a set period of time so we both could hopefully calm down a little, and......
20 10,2024