if you hate BL why are you reading it?
If you think BL is so fetishizing and people who read it fetishize gay men, I genuinely don't know what you are doing here. Like, there are these people who complain on and on about how BL sucks, and when you go to their list, you find the shittiest BLs in their list. Maybe it's a you problem. There are a lot of BLs that don't have sex or rape, but you keep latching onto the shitty ones and then blaming the genre, even though every genre has rape.
Yeah, there are BL women readers who fetishize gay men, and yeah, I agree we should call them out. But maybe don't jump down every woman's throat because she happens to read BL? I get shit just because I'm a woman who reads BL. Like, I don't want BL to be "by women for women" either, just saying (I bet most of the people who make BL don't have a target demographic in mind). I want it to be diverse like how GL is.
Also, talking about GL, you are delusional if you think straight men don't read GL, "because men don't like romance or don't care about women :3" Guess what people? Men love romance and they are interested in women and they like seeing women being romantic. Even the biggest, gayest idol anime that has only girls ("Love Live") has an audience that is mostly men. You and your damn stereotyping. And still, I don't see them getting hate like how women do.
I genuinely believe that Americans have been brain washed into feeling guilt for thinking about sex, much less enjoying it, specially women. So immoral, boohoo! Sure, men get some flack for watching or reading porn, but it is mainly viewed as "oh well men are men and they have strong sex drives, it's in their nature". But a woman who has a strong......
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