should i die
i have depression, eds, neurological problems ect... my mother founded a new family in which i take no place in; father died after leaving me a single note with 1 phrase saying "Hello daughter, it is my 30 attempt of writing you a letter." and debts, i hadnt seen him in 12 years because he was abusing, alcoholic and took drugs. I had so many traumas that i now suffer from amnesia. My ex was so abusive that i keep having nighmares about him. I was harassed in school by both students and professors, i was s.a by said students; i ended up having school phobia. The reason of why i was alive for so long aka my cat, died a very tragic death, having at least 5 seizures a day in the end. Now my life is promissing, i have a bf who loves me and cares for me, i started my studies to become a dog groomer but i just dont know anymore. Everytime i end up alone these thoughts keep coming back, my seizures keep coming back, the pain is never ending. I can't even keep good care of my home and myself anymore. I take so many pills to sleep, everytime i push the line a little more, one day im afraid i will not wake up. I want to die but if i do it i want it to be my choice, for once.
Please someone tell me, will it ever end ? the suffering ? the never ending pain ? the agony of living ? I am only 20 but i just want a break.
Will i ever be truely happy ? How did you guys let go of the past ? i am just a shadow of myself, i am fake, i keep telling everyone everything will turn out great but i do not believe it myself.
i know you’re desperate to get better and you’ll prolly never believe what imma tell you bc everyone’s telling you this but it’s gonna get better sooner or later. don’t start giving up please you shouldn’t die, i know someday you’ll be okay. take this break go to the beach lay down do what you wanna do. you will be truly happy you you......
2 reply
12 10,2024