Damn I’m so fraustrated about the situation of Caitlin Clark and I’m not even white nor interested in basketball. feminists or woke people keep preaching women power or women sticks together but when one girl is really shining a lot of em would just want to bring her down and she’s a rookie while a lot of them are in the court longer but still acted like a petty immature person while Caitlin just ignoring them like a good sport.
“She’s popular because she’s white and attractive” are you implying that the wnba women who are the same race as you are ugly??? Bro maybe it’s her skill that made more people come and watch the wnba game? Even a lot of black guys like Lebron James were on her side and knows that she has talent and was one of the main reasons there’s more wnba watchers and got them millions unlike before she came with the top player receiving only like 250k dollars while male nba top players receives millions.
“I can’t be racist because I’m black” it sounds so entitled and so wrong that it made me laugh, not because it’s funny but because of how this retired wnba lady believed that shit. I’m sick and tired of people who are entitled and think they should be respected more because of what happened to their ancestors, not them but their ancestors like my race was enslaved too but you don’t hear us saying that ancestors excuse. Stop acting like you were wronged when us poc, lgbtq’s, and a lot of minorities are already been respected and put on a high pedestal that there are times they just accept our action even though it’s wrong and unfair.
Every race could be racist including Black people and Asians. Most people won’t care about where you came from, they just want something entertaining or a really good game. It’s like the she hulk series, it’s not because the mc is a female that makes the story bad but how bad the writing is but the writers would give a reason “because you all are misogynistic!” like they’re not misandrist by writing men there like a dense, dumbass, evil mastermind. Stop making excuses and just say I just suck at writing. Idk what I wrote anymore but Gn
I knew one we were going to a reach a point where people were going to be racist towards white people.
I just knew it.
Though honestly, I feel like there are a lot of sports that have been idk how else to say it but "blackified"? Like, basketball has become so engrossed into the "black" identity that anyone who isn't black that plays it well is ......
06 10,2024