Sharing childhood memories (U can share too)
I said "this is my favorite scene" when a sex scene came on and got my ass beat.
I use to see things when I was younger- had lots of seizures and my doctor said I might not be able to walk, speak or do anything again
My parents purposely gave me a tracfone for ONLY contacting them and I used my only monthly Internet minutes for seeing batman porn and "huge big cocks"
When I was in the country the other kids shitted on the ground outside and tried getting me to do it
I almost did the freaky with my step cousin multiple times
Me and my childhood bestfriend use to share a boyfriend and pass him back around
(with no hard feelings)
I realized that having siblings wasn't such a bad thing cause I could just say idk or "I didn't do it" and I wouldn't get in trouble
Some guy that knew my parents tried to get me to do nude photos
I feel in love with my male teacher ass in middle school
My 3rd period teacher seen me reading yaoi, dicks and balls on my tablet in middle school, paused and kept walking (I think she was scared)
I liked peeing in bottles when I was in elementary- got caught and got my ass beat
My siblings wrote on a shoe box and lied saying I did it. so I got beat with a broom and afterwards they tried apologizing to me feeling all sad and shit after just lying on me
The biggest drama I'm willing to share on mangago is when my uncle showed his penis to me when I was 12. He lives with my grandparents and when I went to knock on the door he opened it naked.
Funny enough, I don't remember anything about what it looked like. My mum does NOT believe me when I say so, but I genuinely do not remember. It's like a br......
2 reply
06 10,2024