i know this is probably not appropriate to share on a site like this but
im incredibly stressed out rn due to several femicide cases happening one after the other where i live. yesterday in turkey two 19 year old girls were murdered, one of them was dismembered in broad daylight on top of the city walls and thrown out to the street. her mother witnessed the whole thing. i was 10 minutes away from the scene.
just a few days ago two men who attempted to sexually assault a woman in the middle of the street were set free despite having previous charges. a little girl went missing and was found at the bottom of a lake, a 2 year old girl was assaulted and is now in critical condition. the government isnt doing shit.
im not going to go into any more detail but if you're on social media, please, please support the tag #turkishwomenareindanger
That fucking horrific
Yeah I’m definitely sharing this to my fellow coworkers and boss because we have been having some “issue” lately with the same thing
I hope your ok tho and stay safe
06 10,2024