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id say tears on a withered flower. after someone mentioned the fml’s eyes look like those of shell-shocked soldierd, i can't stop thinking about it. the dark circles make it even worse, and they're so big compared to her face... reminds me of a dragonfly. it feels like they're gonna come out of her eye sockets. and most of the characters' eyes wh......   2 reply
38 minutes
Any bl where the bottom is hyper feminine then the top is ultra mega masc. Feminine boys exist yes, I'm one myself but sometimes it's just insulting on how they make them way too girly with face features and give them micro dicks.   1 reply
25 minutes
Boichi is pretty rightfully held up as a good artist, but I hate the way he draws his female characters. They're just so uncanny valley, he takes everything he finds attractive and creates a deformity unfit for life. It's not even just the body, their faces are so creepy These are pretty tame, but I think they show what I'm talking about. Also I......   reply
1 hours
Tacky ahhh   1 reply
1 hours