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I wonder too. Trolls (not in the sense of homotranny, who make more like shitposts) are one of the few groups of people i have no empathy for. Like why would you bait people to be angry? What satisfaction do you get from making a person upset by saying things you don't mean. How fucking nasty is it to pretend to be interested in a discussion when y......   2 reply
22 hours
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22 hours
Real   1 reply
22 hours
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21 hours
Idk...Validation through attention..?   reply
21 hours
This lowkey gave me the urge to make 5 new other alt acc's to add to my collection   1 reply
21 hours
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jaes snakes
20 hours
wtf? making alt accounts? I could not imagine because I only recently started actually talking on here   1 reply
20 hours
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Shion 22 hours
Lol they're probably just bored and trying to have fun by annoying someone. I'm guessing it's like if you get on your siblings nerves?   1 reply
22 hours
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(๑-﹏-๑) 20 hours
maybe its their free time enjoyment yeah i would understand like if their were sending death threats, doxxing, yeah thats so such jobless loser behavior   reply
20 hours