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Ill hate on a show even if I havent watched it   2 reply
2 days
I'm terrible at responding back to messages. Like literally we could be having a conversation but randomly I wjust wouldn't reply. I don't even know why, I just hate texting people, if you want something I'd prefer you call since I would have no choice but to respond. But I lost a lot of friends because of this, texting is just.. Not my thing   8 reply
2 days
I hate sharing my money, time, and emotions.   2 reply
2 days
Yes, I might seem like a red flag because I just don’t understand jealousy. Why should it be an issue if I hang out with the opposite sex? It's especially frustrating when the person who's upset spends time with the opposite sex too. I believe in equal boundaries, if you're okay with hanging out and being touchy with others, I should be able to......   3 reply
2 days
i can't stand men irl. im a fucking menace towards them   2 reply
2 days
I tend to spam/send essays to someone when they leave me or when I upset them. Its just me apologising and explaining things but the way I would word can sound so manipulative (guilt tripping and love bomb) and I wouldn't even notice how bad my messages can be UNTIL I get over it. I'm trying to change it but I feel the NEED to explain/apologise who......   1 reply
2 days
Nope, I consider myself a very very green flag, I’m totally just such an amazing person ;)   2 reply
2 days
A white flag cause ive surrendered   1 reply
2 days
im borderline i’m like this 24/7 :   reply
2 days
I love ghosting people without an explanation and I don't feel bad about it lol. Like I'm hypersensitive and neurospicy I just don't have the energy anymore explaining to people how the littlest things they can hurt me very badly only for them to brush me off that's why I made the conscious decision to be single and friendless, it's good life.   3 reply
2 days