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Dude my parents are like this, they're so bad I had to pay all my school fees in my final year of high school T_T here's some of the things I did when I finished high school (fyi i still live with them but they're used to it now so they don't ask me or my sisters as much for money) 1) Change your bank account passwords and make excuses like "yeah s......   3 reply
3 days
Are you old enough to own a bank acount ? This would be the easiest solution. If you're not, then maybe someone from your family can secretely make a bank account for you, that your mother wouldn't have access to. I'm pretty sure there are contracts where the owner of the account can't use the money until they're of age. This way, she can manipulat......   1 reply
3 days
10bucks is crazyy nah she gotta go... That 10 could've been used to buy 10 mansions and one more   1 reply
3 days
HIDE THAT SHIT If she itching to spend it or smt . Say you only have like 10-20 dollars SHOW HER IT (put it into a piggy bank) hide the rest somewhere else maybe under your bed , closet , heck even hide it in WHATEVER. As long as you know she ain’t fucking to dig through it. So whenever she itching to spend it fucking let her take it only like......   reply
3 days
Tell her that she's a bad girl for behaving like that and discipline her but not in gentle way cus wtf   1 reply
3 days
Lit same. My family calls me fund keeper at home since they can't help but spend every single penny they get so I keep asking them to increase my allowance every now and then to keep some money on me for emergencies. They always spend the money before reaching the mid of the month and that's when I start helping. Anyway just tell them that u spent......   reply
3 days
My grandmother had a gambling problem and sometimes would take money from the piggy banks we kept downstairs. After I found a IOU in my piggy bank I decided to hide my money in my room. She only did this a couple of times, but it made me paranoid about my money. I would hide it inside of something she wouldn't look through, like a book or even wrap......   reply
3 days
i can really relate to you on emotional manipulation by parents. my father is a toxic man and he emotionally manipulates me more often than not when he wants smth/ wants someone to side w him. since i'm the eldest, i feel like it's my responsibility to give in and honestly saying no is really hard for me since i'm a ppl pleaser but that's slowly ch......   1 reply
3 days
Like... you just let her take your hard earned money or am i missing something??? Cos if that money was given to you by your parents and they take it... you don't have much of a say because it shows the character of their parenthood... And IF it's your hard earned money and she takes it.... it's just best to give it because she is not gonna buy a......   3 reply
3 days


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