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you can really explore your... horizons in such a young age with little parental guidance, especially on the internet.   reply
2 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
2 hours
unlimited access to the internet at a young age will do things to you   1 reply
2 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
TheSuperBunny 2 hours
You actually think age restriction "warnings" do anything??   1 reply
2 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
noot noot 1 hours
porn rots the brain, absolutely not giving internet access to kids that young call me crazy or whatever but it’s had such a bad effect on my friends and they admitted to it (they’re better now) but they didn’t even start that young!! idk why people act like it doesn’t affect and influence young minds like it does, that’s why it’s import......   2 reply
1 hours
nah lol, not a flex but i started reading smut when i was 13 (peak horny phase)i legit never even knew what sex even was before age 12. but some ppl have read ik have started reading at an even younger age of 6/7!! ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️   1 reply
2 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
1 hours
I actually started around 11, on Mangago too. I think I grew up to be pretty normal, at least more normal than most people on here   reply
1 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
1 hours
good thing we all turned out normal tho right   1 reply
1 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
9090 1 hours
i started at the age of 7, then i learned english by myself at the age of 9 or 10 years old and here i am, 19 years old and still with that trash website lmfao (im not proud of myself btw)   reply
1 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
2 hours
I started at like 9   reply
2 hours
shocking, really [Answer]
1 hours
Is it really shocking though? Even on YouTube kids, they got softcore minecraft porn mass-manufactured and shipped out to toddler tablets everywhere. Clearly some kids don't have the parental supervision they need...   1 reply
1 hours


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