Why do old people especially women think they can touch you without consent and say weird things
Bro I went to my Grandpas place to meet his new wife with my family and don't get me wrong she is a very nice lady and I know she didn't mean anything by it but not even 30minutes into meeting her she came up to me touched my chest and then grabbed my boob and started squeezing then said "wow there's nothing there" like uh ok
? And let me mind you I haven't even said 10 words to her besides like telling her my name and yes I was surprised but not that much because I'm used to old women doing this to me since I was a little kid but what REALLY surprised me and made me really uncomfortable was when me and my family was leaving and when I was about to leave she literally grabbed my boob again and started squeezing it and then she grabbed my ass squeezed it then slapped it like ma'am what the hell I'm used to people doing it one time but two times
? And the worst part is she squeezed it a lot more and more harder that time so I could literally feel her hands on my chest/boobs and ass all night after that even tho her hands were not on me anymore and now even tho it's been a day it's like I can still feel her hands on me and it just makes me so uncomfortable and it's not even just her like my grandpa isn't a weird guy or anything but I've only known him for like two years bc my moms relationship with her family is a little weird but he likes to kiss people's cheek as a way to say hello or bye which isn't weird or anything but one time I was leaving his house and I guess he was to busy saying bye to my family that he didn't have a chance to do that to me so in a hurry he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck
like I know he didn't mean anything bye it but it was really weird also considering the fact my grandpa is literally still in his late 40s (it's normal to marry and have kids young in my culture) and one time I remember when I was 9/10 years old and my grandma walked in on me after I was done taking a shower and I told her to get out because I was surprised obviously but she was on the phone with her sister and I could hear her telling her what happened wail laughing and then her sister asked if she seen my pussy and if it was big and if you could grab it with one hand like huh wtf and the worst part is my grandma found it completely normal and even answered her question and was laughing and then I remember meeting her sister that day (or maybe a few days later not a 100% sure) and her literally asking the same question RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME
and then I had to sit there wail they talked about my vagina and if they couldn't grab it with one hand or not and I just remember being so uncomfortable and disguised back then
where tf do u live cuz the more I read on the more my jaw drops on the floor. what fucked up culture is this?
1 reply
20 09,2024