I had a really bad day yesterday and I became suicidal and shit so I started mildly sh while walking to work and some lady riding a bike almost ran over me so that made me stopping the sh
I'm all good now, I just become really suicidal whenever something slightly bad happens to me (I missed my buss and had to take a different one that made it so I'm not 30 mins early to work as usual)
I'm all good now, I just become really suicidal whenever something slightly bad happens to me(I missed my buss and had to take a different one that made it so I'm not 30 mins early to work as usual) TheSuperBunny
Well I'm glad you're ok bc tbh I can't make someone feel better for the life of me the best I could do is try to make a funny joke and hope it works
Well I'm glad you're ok bc tbh I can't make someone feel better for the life of me the best I could do is try to make a funny joke and hope it works Bitch I'm up
Damn bro was about to speed run lifebut all jokes aside you good bunny?
I'm all good now, I just become really suicidal whenever something slightly bad happens to me
(I missed my buss and had to take a different one that made it so I'm not 30 mins early to work as usual)
Well I'm glad you're ok bc tbh I can't make someone feel better for the life of me the best I could do is try to make a funny joke and hope it works
It does, dw lil brosis
Awww tks bunny (=・ω・=)