I'm leaving pls find god
Staying on here, I've been miserable not being able to be satisfied much with myself but luckily I've finally decided to go to church and help myself and it's been nothing but the best decision
of my life.
This is a message to you all, I hope for all of you to find healing I wouldn't want anybody to go through what I've gone with my obsession of reading about homosexuality as much as we'd like to
ignore it, it is nothing but a sin.
I've healed and these days help my loneliness with my Bible and my god, it might be hard at first but being religious is easy and help find hope in your life.
I can literally picture you typing this out.... hearing your little brain going "oh I'm gonna type this.... and then THIS.... uh OH OH and then this..."
How much time did you spent thinking about what to write to get the best reactions?
18 09,2024