negative feedback on r#pe is valid

HomosexualTyranny HomosexualTyranny 2024-09-16 22:30:19 About question
Some ppl don't comprehend that reading, and giving ur individual opinion is mostly what this site is for"nobody asked for u opinion" and nobody asked for urs at ur Jurassic age but tryna bully someone on the Internet for saying a specific part of the story was ass and unnecessary.. stop pissing ur pants just because an unknown user said "the rape was unnecessary" it's their damn opinion just because u like to read gay r#pe porno to leave positive feedback doesn't mean everybody else has to, having different opinions/expressions is reality, and the real world. stop being a lil pussy just because "userudontknow" is leaving a "negative" (not inhumane/ not rape approving) feedback .
"Nobody wants to hear ur opinion"
ngga stfu and suck that bad dragon set of urs with yo weird ass, it was nvr about u, ppl can read fucked up shit and leave negative/positive feedback, just because it's negative doesn't mean they soft or new ... It's their damn opinion, comments are not appearing on the side of ur screen as u read "let me read in peace" "u can choose not to read it, stop whining " but ur whining under (unknown user) just because their comment (which wasn't about u) hurt ur huge BIG 2024 yaoi heart ☹ I honestly don't give zero fucks about what u weirdos like, as I am weirdo but trying to shit on someone for petty reasons with petty Bs excuses is mad weird bro, I read fucked up shit but NVRRR have I attempted to shut someone up just because they didn't comment "wow! the r#pe was great, yum feed my brain with moree"


FuckedMyWayUpToTheTop September 18, 2024 3:39 am

It's almost as if people who justify rape in yaoi and like it are triggered by people expressing, rightfully so, their disdain for it and the rape approvers choose to engage with the comments instead of minding their nasty business...

seabi September 16, 2024 11:10 pm




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