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Did you let the dog see the cat straight away? Keep the dog and cat in separate areas just to let them get used to each other’s scent until your dog starts being a little more normal about it. Reward them for being normal! There are guides you can find online, but if I remember correctly a good way to start might be distracting your dog by having......   1 reply
2 days
Hello, it will some time for you dog to be become okay enough to tolerate the cat or at least be more friendly with it. I highly suggest you separate them and introduce them slowly. Try your best to make sure there are not coming into contact with each other right away. This can take little as weeks to months to accomplish. 1. Try to brings ite......   1 reply
2 days
2 days
useful links: > > good luck! ✧✧✧   reply
2 days
2 days
answering from personal experience here soooo take this with a grain if salt I also adopted a stray cat and I already have 2 big dogs. What I did was I separate the kitten from the dogs as much as possible. Since the dogs were just staying at the 1st floor and garage, the kitten is only on the 2nd and 3rd. I slowly introduce the kitten to the tw......   reply
2 days
The other answers given here were great and I'd like to add positive association to the mix. If your dog is food motivated maybe feed her on the other side of the door from where the kitten is so she'll start associating the presence of the kitten with positive things. Timing is key, don't reward her after she's already started getting upset. Just ......   1 reply
2 days
Speaking from experience don't put a leash on your dog or put them in the cage specifically when the cat is around or cary the cat too much when the dog is around, this makes them feel very jealous and will associate that feeling of punishment with the cat and WILL make the aggression worse especially in young dogs that had no other play mates and ......   reply
1 days
Wanda 1 days
Speaking from my own experience, u have to introduce 2 pets slowly. U have to separate the two pets but keep them both inside. Maybe keep the cat in a room for a quite a while (a few hours maybe) then take her out of the room to somewhere else; then take ur dog into the room that ur cat used to be in so she gets used to the cat's scent. Do the same......   reply
1 days
Haru 2 days
You've gotten some good advice but I'll add a few tips. 1. Patience. This cannot be overstated. You have to introduce them to each other VERY slowly. It could take months for the two of them to be okay with each other. 2. Keep them separate. Do not allow them to be in the same part of the house. 3. Scent swapping. Have them sleep on blankets,......   1 reply
2 days


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