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I can only manipulate rocks and terrain into shapes of various sizes through simple hand and body movements (i will heavily judge your side affect)   4 reply
14 days
the power to breath underwater and swim very fast   5 reply
14 days
Copying superpowers. Basically, I can copy others superpowers and use them as my own   1 reply
14 days
I have perfect memory which is a drawback in of itself tbh but I have test soon so I just wanna beg for a good grade   4 reply
14 days
To have a nullifying superpower. I'M THE FINAL BOSS.   3 reply
14 days
the power to control matter, like if I wanted a person dead, i'd just increase the distance between their atoms, maybe start with the limbs first to see how they will experience pain.   3 reply
14 days
Shapeshifiting to exactly what I want and imagine without limits   2 reply
14 days
Teleportation, maybe only to the place that I've been before.   3 reply
14 days
Being able to read people's minds   2 reply
14 days
maybe a power to be able to "occupy/inhabit" a person's body, anytime at will. the actual person will enter a comatose state while i'm "using" (nothing suggestive, i swear) their body and will have no recollection of what i've did/done while in their body. sounds like a good villain superpower don't you think?   1 reply
14 days


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