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I know I’m gonna make some people mad here but… COME TO TERMS WITH REALITY, HISOKA SIMPS I mean we all know hes a borderline pedo that’s fact but he’s also UGLY ASF. He was attractive for ONE scene. ONE (1). And then he went back to being ugly again. HIS WAIST IS A PINK BALL half the time. Every time I see someone simping for him, it’s l......   4 reply
4 days
I hate this little rat   4 reply
4 days
I've said it once ( ok tbf I've said it a LOT more than once) and I'll say it again I hate this stupid mf so much it's honestly crazy how much my blood boils whenever I see his stupid ugly basic ass face I'm fr his number one hater   5 reply
4 days
Even though I said this before on this website, why should I miss the chance to do so again? Everyone universaly should share my hate for Spandam. (I'm still mad that he has really good looking fanart) (Shout to the celestial dragons, never heard of a op fan actually liking them)   1 reply
4 days
I hate how he walks. I hate how he talks. I hate how he blinks. I hate how he breathes. HATE could be tattooed over every inch of my body and it wouldn't come CLOSE to the hate that I feel for this Satan incarnate. But no that's offensive to Satan because I'm sure he has a restraining order against this bastard. Source: A Physical Education. (WOUL......   1 reply
4 days
adam from sk8... i think thats his name. he pisses me off sm i gonna go crazy!! EVEYRTIME HE SHOWS UP I FEEL MY BLOOD BOILING!!! HE MAKES ME FEEL RAGE!!!   reply
4 days
this son of a bitch. so glad he's dead. yeah i'm ready you charin meat riders, come and try me if you dare   3 reply
4 days
No. 1 Mikey hater   reply
4 days
Dooshik. I hope that mf burns in hell.   reply
3 days
danzo shimura   reply
4 days


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