I don’t really remember this very well and I can have just taken two different stories and mixed together but what I can remember is that the bottom were angry or sad at the top but held in the best I could when the top came home. When the top came home he had a bouquet of flowers for the bottom as a gift. Later on when they were starting to have s3x, the bottom rejected him and started to kick the top because he wasn’t in the mood he was still sad or angry whatever he was. Then suddenly the bottom kicks a vase with flowers the same bouquet that the top gifted. The top stops and the bottom gets up and tell him to break of the relationship. The top starts crying and the bottom was confused. The top begins to tell him that it’s the bottoms birthday and an explanation on something that the bottom misunderstood. So they make up and yeah that’s all I remember really. So if someone know what the freak I’m trying to say and know the manga I would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me.