Just go tell your friend you can't deal with them venting

Hajun Hajun 2024-09-10 07:33:21 About bad instinct that came true
If you're tired or drained from your friends venting TELL them. Because like now, I feel like shit for wanting a friend to listen to me back then now they told me that they no longer feel sympathy and stuff bec idk. I'm just so hurt right now, I'm sorry I made you feel that way but you could've told me bec I was fine if someone isn't available instead of leaving me hanging waiting for a reply or ignoring me. I tried having normal convos from time to time and stuff but you don't reply. I appreciated your patience but if i was just a burden and you didn't wanna deal with me then I'm sorry. I'm just ahwjwj


BBOONG September 10, 2024 10:06 am

Yea ikr those kind of people are such a bitch like if you’re so incapable of having empathy why do you call yourself my friend? Am I a random stranger to you venting shit? Like I vent to you cause I fucking trust as a friend but guess im wrong Bruhh

Hajun September 10, 2024 1:38 pm

Yeah and I'm just upset they said "don't you have other friends? Do you have therapist?" like doesn't matter whether I do or not I trusted cus you're my friend and you told me that. Ik this stuff can be tiring and I'd be okay to step back anytime but just tell me instead of then saying "I'm so tired of you" like I just go "oh!"

BBOONG September 11, 2024 1:31 pm
Yeah and I'm just upset they said "don't you have other friends? Do you have therapist?" like doesn't matter whether I do or not I trusted cus you're my friend and you told me that. Ik this stuff can be tiring ... Hajun

They’re just awful people inside forget them you deserve better bestie

bishounensupremacy September 10, 2024 8:25 am

i've been that person and its not easy to just tell someone to stop venting when you see they're going through a difficult time. they might try to keep replying out of sympathy until they can't but i think it falls upon the individual to not use other people as an outlet or at least keep the relationship equal in terms of how much emotional burden falls on which side. idk you or your friend so ignore this if my assumption is wrong but if your convos mainly consist of you venting to them about your own problems (especially if its the same problem that youre not actively trying to solve) its a sign to take a step back

Hajun September 10, 2024 1:27 pm

I do understand that, but the thing is were actively solving it however some friends supports are needed like abit of reassurance, honestly I always say that I'm sorry if I'm such a burden and always thank them for their patience for listening and dealing with it. After vent sometimes i pretend to be okay bec I feel guilty they're worried. I tried to connect with them, saying "Hey answer this quiz" or sending random memes to try build up a convo but none. I said to them that if they have a problem with me to tell me or wtv, I was so up for communication always... Just please say something instead of like letting someone know late you've drained their sympathy out like I don't meant to do that. I just feel so bad.

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