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Past life [Answer]
8 days
i would regain the memories i hope i was in a tragic historical gay romance in my pst life   reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
8 days
No girl my past selves probably would've died of tuberculosis at age 2 or worked a rice field for 14 years until death by starvation.   1 reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
Annabeth_Cullen 8 days
Let me tell you, ignorance is bliss. I have memories of my deaths in 2 lives. Both from people I'd trusted and they betrayed and killed me. Our souls, our life force, doesn't just disappear when our bodies are no longer of this world. My own soul has been bound to this earth and wandering since Celtic times. Soul reincarnation doesn't exist. But ......   2 reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
8 days
I chose being ignorance . I rather live my life as it now without the knowledge of what I did in the past   reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
8 days
Nah I dont care about that bitch in the past. I got my own problems so why I gotta deal with their memories too.   reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
8 days
It's in the past so no unless my past self was some Einstein then yes I would love to have the memories of how to solve a complex math problem   reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
Ridora ;)
8 days
With how much I'm suffering right now, my past life must've been the most horrible person on earth even so... I DON'T DESERVE THIS BITCH!?!!   reply
8 days
Past life [Answer]
TheSuperBunny 8 days
Nothing lmao I'm already suffering enough from my own memories so I don't need any more-   reply
8 days


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