Work Wife Term
So, I read a reddit post that mentions "work wife". I understand what it means. It means coworker you are super close in a so-called platonic relationship.
If you ask my opinion I'll say that "platonic" is just an excuse not to be excused as cheating. SMH. It's basically cheating. I saw someone mention most of them ended up fucking too?? And many people there (on reddit) are okay with it?? I mean there's a term called best friend but instead you call it wife??
I hate cheating so much that's why I'm questioning my existence here..
So I want to ask your opinion about this.
The only time I've heard someone call someone else their work husband they also told me that they were thinking of divorce and messing around with said work husband. I see more work Mom/Dad than work Husband/Wife though.
07 09,2024