Can authors stop with the rape please
Chat my ass was literally just reading a cute funny story not expecting anything you know to dark to happen just enjoying myself and laughing and shit only to go to the comment section because I wanted to read some comments and leave one myself only to find out the MC gets raped not once but fucking twice and when it happens the first time he's just fucking pushed on the bed and fucked against his will and the second time it happens he's raped in a alley and when the rapist is literally fucking raping the MC in the alley the mc's son walks by that alley coming from school or some shit and the rapist literally asks the MC why doesn't he just scream and ask his son for help and hack I don't even know how old the son is because this was spoilers and hasn't happened in the manga yet so the son hasn't even appeared yet so for all I know the son could have been a fucking child
and now after crying like a little bitch because I literally just wasted my time reading this for like 3/4 hours and I don't even know if I'm going to continue reading it and now I literally have a killer headache that feels like my head is going to rip open because of this damn manga
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Crazy how a question like this would've gotten so much hate and disagreement 2-3 years ago.
1 reply
05 09,2024