Bed Bugs 2.0

reddokora reddokora 2024-09-03 15:44:03 About question
My first post here was about bed bugs I believe. I don't currently have any in my room as I know of right now, but I know they will be coming back sooner or later.
Long story short, CPS was called -> I had to get two estimates from exterminaors (on my own my dad didn't want anything to do with it) -> first exterminator found hundreds of bed bugs -> dad buys new bed & mattress (even though exterminaor said not too until they actually exterminate the bugs)-> dad removes mattress, undos bed, cleans the whole room with disinfectant.
So now we have a new bed and I haven't seen bed bugs for months. But I don't believe they'll just go away that easily without an exterminator. CPS hasn't sent the exterminator in months, even though I send all the information needed so long ago. Now there's a new problem with them.

I have two sisters. One shares a room with me and another sleeps upstairs. It's basically just a storage room with a bed in there and she sleeps up there.

Whole my dad was cleaning the room and getting rid of our mattress, he also moved some belongings upstairs, even though I clearly said not too. My sister also would just occasionally lay down on our bed even though I told her it was infested, but she didn't care enough to listen to me. Now she has bed bugs upstairs.

They don't seem to be driving her insane like they did to me, but I feel so horrible about it. I haven't heard updates for the exterminator from CPS for weeks now. I also mentioned that upstairs isn't just her room, it's also a storage room next door. My dad has a bunch of old clothes and belongings he got from storage unit auctions over there. But whenever my sister found a bed bug, she would remove the sheets and just throw them in the other room.

Not only is that just spreading it in our house, it's spreading it to other people since my dad likes to sell the stuff there online. It's just a disaster I don't even know what to do anymore. If I find more in my room now, I'd probably just burn the house down and then take my life over it. It's practically a nightmare, and I've been praying and hoping CPS will actually approve the documents and I'll be able to get over it all, but it's taking so long.

I guess this isn't really a question, more like something to get out to somehow make myself feel better. I don't feel like anything now would make anything better but is there even anything I can do?

Notes: The upstairs is full of carpet too. If you guys wanted any more information that I have left.


Elle ne parle pas francais September 3, 2024 4:32 pm

Your family is a menace and I feel validated about my ocd.
I'm really sorry for your circumstances but I also wouldn't know what to do.

reddokora September 3, 2024 3:52 pm

Sorry if all I talk about are bugs. I do like scrolling occasionally through all the other questions, but I feel I'm a bit too awkward, or that's my experiences don't match up. I also word things very strangely.



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