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that's so adorable i'll be rooting for you guys!!! i can tell how big of a crush you have on her just because of how many times you praised her lol i hope you gain the courage to confess to her sometime! me personally, I have a girlfriend that's the polar opposite of me, but she's literally my other half. I like her because she's super welcoming,......   reply
14 days
I met my boyfriend years ago as he was the boyfriend of one of my friends. I found him extremly handsome and interesting. But as he was already taken he was completely off limits for me. Me and my friend lost contact over the corona time and this year we saw each other again. They broke up but still have the same friends group. At a party we star......   reply
14 days
If you like em, go for it, i did with my current husband, which we meet from high schools, been 14 years since. The story goes like this, im a new transfer student, when im introducing myself in front, i immediately noticed him, he's a quiet shy handsome guy, totally my type and i instantly interested. Then i flirt him, I'm making my move pretty ob......   3 reply
15 days
I used to have a crush but then it drifted away cause I never got the courage to ask, so you should definitely do it!! Rooting for y’all! :)   reply
15 days
I used to have a lover, he was super funny. He's charismatic, and handsome as well. I had a huge crush on him since the first time my eyes laid upon him. We were workmates and friends for 2 years and he confessed that he liked me as well. We were together for a year and 5 months. Our relationship was surreal. Unfortunately, things had to end but he......   reply
14 days
I had a childhood friend of 8 years, he's genuinely nice to everyone. I fell in love with his kindness and personality. We shared the same interests, hobbies, and sweets addiction. I never confessed to him directly, but I've been wanting to for so many years. Moved out to another city with my family and couldn't even say my goodbyes to him and our......   reply
14 days
There's this guy I thought was a quiet kid who likes listening to music and studies a lot. I talked to him and turns out he's the opposite, social and friendly but I still ended up liking him. We play the same type of games and jokes around a lot. I like how nice he is, how he listens to me, how he can get serious but laugh over dumb things. He's ......   reply
14 days
we've been together since our senior high years. she asked me the same thing and i just described all the things i noticed about her. she was happy with my answer, but honestly, it was disappointing. i didn't really understand why i love her, and when i tried to express it, the words felt too limited. if she asked me again, im sure i wouldn't be ab......   1 reply
14 days
god only knows why i fell in love with a homophobe... he's not even my type and he's an annoying prick but yeah. he was kind to me when i needed it the most and the heart has its own rules i guess... he once straight up asked me if i was gay 'because he's homophobic so he'd like to know' and i was like haha no wayyy :)))) (he's so stupid i want t......   reply
14 days
I've had a crush on my best friend for like 2 years I've known him since third grade Whenever we talk about stuff, especially history, I feel this giddy feeling in my chest He isn't that especially good looking (although I find him cute), he's a bit narcissistic and a smartass, he's smart af, we have similar hobbies and interests but they never ex......   1 reply
14 days

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