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i fuck with this one.   1 reply
29 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
28 days
..sadly its waterside night Because I’m one mess up individual who look seeing mentally ill Relationship (Not into rape or abuse type of relationship tho. I just like the mentally unstable types)   reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
28 days
honestly dear door the artstyle changes every few minutes and he looks like this sometimes ☠️☠️☠️ but that’s okay bc they’re both super duper cute not 2 mention some scenes r js really funny   3 reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
❣ Ridora ❣
28 days
I'd say this but I genuinely don't know if people like it or not only thing I know is that it's freaky and messed up but I love it.   1 reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
29 days
A Monster Wants to Eat Me Kabukichou bad trip (any good bdsm bl tbh) MadK Lima syndrome   1 reply
29 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
Just Confused
28 days
Slammer dogs. I love a good fucked up manga/hwa/hua. I read ones that make me puke (its not an easy accomplishment). Slamer dogs is easy to read just annoying asf. I just wish the main character would stop being a little bitch and listen to what he was told. J dont mean this in a sexual mannor. Im mean genuinly. He was told by them, why they were......   1 reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
28 days
None I don't like no dead doves :(   1 reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
29 days
May Belongs to Me is my best friend   reply
29 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
rice 28 days
caste heaven   1 reply
28 days
dead doves u fw [Answer]
28 days
Ik…really I know You can throw your tomatoes Also Throw even more tomatoes I used anime clips because the manga art is…too much   reply
28 days


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