My dad cheated on my mom and now they're back together

buku buku buku buku 2024-08-29 18:00:40 About question
Quick rundown on the entire situation. the girl who my dad went with was a crackhead (literally and metaphorically)

so my parents have a family restaurant business for context. my mom at the time was and still is obsessed with money and she was scammed into this gold mining business because she trusted the guy simply because he is mormon, which my mom is also in that religion. (i wanna clarify that this isn't the mormon cult religion, its different i swear but certain things are the same).

my mom asked me for $10,000, which i gave to her because shes my mom and she said she would pay me back. I didn't realize that she had also asked my dad for about the same amount ? and i am pretty sure she took out a line of credit on top. this is all for the gold mining buisness. my mom was being deluded that she would be given all of this gold (basically smuggling gold into the country and selling it off) and become extremely rich. she was under the impression that the philippines is a mining home for gold. she would be sent these pictures of them melting gold and my mom went even as far to sign my dads name on ceertain documents which he didn't.. really agree to yada yada yada.

so we had this server working for us, which i will call jane. there had been rumours going around among the staff that she would go to the upstairs bathroom claiming she was going to clean them (which wasn't even her job) but was actually going upstairs to do drugs (idk what kind). i've never really been much informed on how people on drugs act so i didn't even know whether to believe it or not because she was a weird person PERIOD. like that's all i knew. she was weird. so during the time of covid, jane would come to the resturant during our limited hours to help incase and my dad was adamant on not letting my mom come to help, telling her to relax at home. it was a good excuse so i didn't think much of it. UNTIL one day my mom found an email that my dad had sent to jane and it was a little bit non-work related. my mom showed me and asked what i thought about it. i thought my dad was a good person so i gave him the benefit of the doubt maybe hes just being nice. but obviously my mom was suspicious of him.

after some time went on my dad came home one day he sat me and my mom down saying "i think we should split up and go our seperate ways" my mom was crying hysterically and saying "is it because of jane?" and he would say "no it has nothing to do with her" (it did).

so eventually a whole bunch of things with the restaurant were goin on (legal wise) and my dad moved jane and a few of our other staff to a branch of the restaurant that he and jane would manage. he would send out emails to both the 1st and 2nd location saying we should congratulate jane for her great work of becoming an official manager. with that email i sent the skull emoji and she replied to me and everyone else saying "you really wanna do this now little girl?" oooh my god she was pissed.

so next day on sunday which is our busiest day of the week i get a call from our head server (i will call them ava and sophia) shes crying on the phone and says "i need you to come to the restaurant, your dad just fired me and sophia" so from what i heard, jane was on the floor begging on her knees crying for my dad to take her back (bcs ig they had a fight after she sent the email for everyone to see) so this was at the point where my dad was trying to run away from jane.

after the police would show up several times at the restaurant for jane because she kept trying to get to my dad and he tried to file a restraining order against her. the key holes were changed at both restaurants because of her. she would send my dad emails of (TW) her saying she would hurt herself if he doesn't come back to her. she ended up in the looney bin and came out. and some things i found out that she did was she got the cook fired for having drugs on him, even though she planted them on him. ava the head server, sends me a text of a screenshot of a conversation between her and the server that works at the other restaurant location and it was basically just saying how she found jane in the bathroom passed out with her drugs (fent) on hand.

so my parents eventually end up back together because i was not having it being in charge of the restaurant all by myself because my mom didn't really have an interest in it and excused herself in saying she doesn't know how. she had also gone to the philippines for a month while i stayed back. so although i wasn't the happiest with my dad i was fine with him coming back. ik sue me. but i wasn't the happiest living with my mom just the two of us because she was in school for hotel hospitality??? like i have no idea why she would go into that but whatever. but my parents are no longer romantically involved we kinda js still act like a family still since they never legally got divorced. so then skip to 2 years later, during those two years my dad and jane are still kinda going at it in court and she fled to another province several times to avoid the court. once day she comes back and is on her to court and gets into a car accident. she crashed into a tree and fucking died bruh. omfg i LITERALLY CANNOT MAKE THIS UP.

anyway im SO sorry this is so long but like its js so much info and since this happened a few years ago the details are all muddled.... if u actually read all this i love u


Iniry August 29, 2024 6:35 pm

What in the telenovela is this??? ( ̄∇ ̄")

Elle ne parle pas francais August 29, 2024 6:32 pm

Your life sounds really dramatic



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