This is not a reference
Idk why but a recent pet peeve ive developed is people thinking things are references when they’re obviously not
Someone made a comment that had the phrase “two left feet” and i kid you not someone replied being like “is this a asdf movie refrence?”
And at first i thought maybe its because i dont like the things they’re referencing but then someone else made a comment that said “40 days and 40 nights” and some responded to it by saying “is this an out of my league refrence?”
Like dont get me wrong i love the song but….
There are more examples ive seen of this but these are just the most recent ones ive seen (and the ones that inspired me to make this question)
And it really be the most random out of place things to reference not even things that make an iota of sense
Like why on earth would they be referencing these things???? How the fuck did you come to this conclusion???? How terminally online are you?????
And i know that this literally does not effect my life in the slightest but it just pisses me off
Do you guys get what i mean or am i just a day one hater?
I know i just posted this question 3 seconds ago but i just realized something. My feelings towards this are the same ones i have when someone goes “this is the (insert fandom here) song” when the song was made by a different person not at all related to said fandom.
Like when someone makes an edit or fan animation of a song and then everyon......
2 reply
28 08,2024
I think they're just trying to make a silly joke, and u need to head to bed pookie
28 08,2024