Disney allergy death
Have y'all heard about what happened with disney recently?
Here's an article:
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8jl0ekjr0go.ampIf you're too lazy tl;dr:
If you sign up for a Disney + trial and accept the TOS you cannot take legal action against Disney in court but have to do arbitration.
Disney said this to a widower who lost his wife due to an allergy induced death in a Disney park restaurant and wanted to sue them for 50k.
I'm so fucking angry and need to let it out so drop y'alls opinion cause wow I hate Disney so much. I was anti Disney prior to this but now I really won't spend a cent more on them, piracy all the way!!!
This is such a disgusting way to react to someone's death and that person's grieving partner.
yeah, I heard that but I watched a youtube video from (LegalEagle) thanks to the backlash Disney ended up backing down about arbitration. but they are not going to remove it from their TOS tho
1 reply
25 08,2024