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I’ve been there and no it’s not okay. If you’re like me, you’re going to let that grudge affect you to the point where you can’t happy unless something bad happens to them. Holding a grudge against someone just makes you think about them more when the best thing to do is to forget about them. Also, moving on doesn’t mean you’re forgiv......   reply
24 08,2024
Instead of using the phrase "forgive but never forget" I like to say instead "forget but never forgive". Maybe it might resonate with you in some way   1 reply
29 days
It’s understandable, but it’s not good. Or at least, it’s not very good for you imo. Forgiving someone is something you do for yourself, not for the other person. I am DEFINITELY NOT saying that you should act like nothing ever happened, and I am NOT saying you’ve gotta get chummy with this person. But holding a grudge is like you’re carr......   reply
24 08,2024
Moving on is important for YOU. You shouldn't let your grudges affect your daily life but imo it's normal and okay not to "get over it". Esp if you don't get closure, it can be hard to let go of your unresolved feelings. Disassociating yourself from your feelings so much that you feel nothing is kinda hard... you will always feel some bad feelings ......   reply
24 08,2024
No because in the end you are giving your time and energy to this thing and they probably couldn’t care less. Waste of time, just forget about it. Unless it’s a crime then just go to the police :/   reply
24 08,2024
I asked this cus i had mixed feelings I'm like do I keep talking shit about it forever? Or do I just like keep it cool and say "oh they were a good person too. Maybe they're just hurt or don't realise how bad their actions are. It's fine." also in a way it pushes me to be better person cus im like salty and refuse to accept what they say about me b......   4 reply
24 days
Considering I'm doing the exact same thing, I'd be a hypocrite if I said you should move on lol That being said, it does mean that you have to be prepared for the worst case scenario: the person never apologizes and you never talk to them again as a result. If you can live with that, then I say keep on. If not, you might have to move on bc again, ......   1 reply
24 08,2024
No one should rlly tell u to move on unless they want u to actually feel better instead of just trying to dismiss ur own feelings. It's fine to hold grudges but don't let it affect u so deeply bec I kid you not, it's less likely ppl like them would actually care bec they're assholes.   reply
24 08,2024
Tbh probably not but WHO GAF️️️️️ Im holding that grudge till I DIE, like if u wronged me and I die I'm haunting your ass or coming back as an Elephant and STOMPING YO ASS LIKE DA HOOD RBLX   1 reply
29 days
People who are good natured will have no difficulty forgetting and forgiving because they can see past the mistakes the people have done to them. I'm that way. I don't use their past mistakes against them, I fight fair. But with them, it's different. They'll bring up the past every chance they can to justify their actions. Two wrongs don't make......   4 reply
24 days


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