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27 days
getting my clip moved to yellow was all the embarrassment i needed tbh   1 reply
27 days
26 days
Brah yo teacher needa be put on a list why he tryna see a kid humping the ground a SECOND time   1 reply
26 days
27 days
Yeah..Back in 11th grade, me and my friend talked TOO much during Bible study like TOO much. We had to sing "Kumbayah my Lord" Exactly 50 times in FRONT of the principal while our classmates peeked from the windows silently, let me tell you, our principal was STRICT so noone was awkward. Never spoke again in class after that. Highschool ......   1 reply
27 days
Alaila 26 days
So this is the most embarrassed I've ever been. My friend was practicing lap dancing skills (it wasn't that sexy as she was just a beginner, just flexing her hips here and there like a mess) for her boyfriend in front me of, and I was hyping her up, as I should as a girly girl. The boys were almost all out for the smoke or else where, and the rest ......   reply
26 days
26 days
Embarrassing students By taking the students to the teacher lounge On Recess Don’t allow them to eat because “oh you get the entire place dirty” And then proceed to talk shit about the student to other teachers In front of them And if the students dare to speak up . The teacher scold them and hit them Anyhow why did the teacher go so f......   reply
26 days


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