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meow 27 days
No more mangago, no more me   reply
27 days
27 days
guys, can you stop making posts like those? People will panic and mangago will remove comments again I don't want to post my BLs rants on the mangago subreddit again I'd rather rant on the comment instead. kakao and Webtoon are just throwing big fits because they lost some shares and they like to blame us for that. like poor those billionaires, th......   1 reply
27 days
27 days
dame I'm really hoping this shit is fake news... my memory is ass so trying to remember all of my fav's on here is going to kill me   reply
27 days
27 days
as far as i can tell there is no other manga reading website like mangago. this place is so helpful especially for finding forgotten titles cus we can just ask questions, or to literally ask about anything. the site's layout(?) is neat and no weird stupid ads. most sites uses disqus to comment, and i find that kinda annoying. the mixture of (almost......   1 reply
27 days
27 days
Why do y'all scare us like this every year and why does it work everytime   reply
27 days
reminder to NOT post about mangago on any social media sites. dont get in arguments with the authors or companies. dont even mention the sites name. *insert that fight club quote*   reply
27 days
27 days
They do this every year guys, it's probably mangadex or some other less community-driven site. Let's hope we get silenced again instead of shut down for good. Reminder yall, save your reading lists to other sites/documents if you don't want to lose them.   2 reply
27 days
27 days
Can y’all stop scaring me and others ffs. I swear this happens every day and always causes unnecessary stress   reply
27 days
27 days
sigh *opens excel*   reply
27 days
chlorine 27 days
I don't think the "M" in question is mangago—it says "M" is the "largest comic piracy website in the world." And ain't no fucking way that's mangago lmfao. Mangago is big, yes, but that's in the context of it mainly being used for yaoi. It's big for its niche. But it's in no way the largest manga site there is   reply
27 days


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