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You need friends and not a lover. Genuinely just start going out with your friends, visit fun places, travel to different cities, go to various restaurants. Maybe go to a gym, start a new hobby, learn a new language. Being so desperate for a relationship IS NOT NORMAL AT ALL.   1 reply
18 08,2024
I'll tell you this rn, you do NOT need a boyfriend. You need therapy. This is your reality check, you can't expect love from someone if you treat them like shit. Imho, it's selfish to date someone just because you feel like you have a "deep empty hole" in your heart. Get a pet if you feel lonely, not a person.   1 reply
18 08,2024
Heres a mika birthday card hope it cheers you up a little! I Thought I’d actually offer some support since no one else has. Not that I am the best person to offer it because I have never been in a relationship and I’m 20. I’ll just say that what you’re feeling is okay maybe not to the extent you’re describing but feeling lonely from t......   1 reply
18 08,2024
I suggest you look into anxious attachment style. ^^ And maybe enneagram types/subtypes (it has helped me). I too crave for a romantic partner to get the attention I need, but I know it is not healthy and I stay mindful of it. Anything forced is not going to feel pleasant, how much you try to pretend it is. And you probably heard it countless tim......   2 reply
18 08,2024
I don't really know whats the issue from just a short description, but it's definitely psychological issue. Humans, are really a complex being, i think you should dive deeper to yourself whats the cause of can't live without other person. While it's true that we are social person that need other people, it doesn't mean we are to live from another p......   1 reply
18 08,2024